• 518.796.3755
  • susanne@yogahealsus.com


Welcome to Yoga Heals Us

Whether your goal is to learn something new, reconnect with your spirit, get in shape, or cope with anxiety and stress, Yoga Heals Us has something for you.  Our passion is health and our goal is to be your source of total well-being and vitality. Feel better now with one or more of these options:

Be Inspired

Weekly Classes:

in Your Own Home

Tuesdays and Thursdays Live-streamed Online via Zoom: Click here to learn more

Video Libraries

Chair Yoga for Every Body Yoga Teacher Training

  • 25 Yoga Alliance CEs
  • Learn 3 Levels of Chair Yoga and how to adapt yoga for students with common health conditions
  • Convenient live-streamed format via Zoom
  • Click here for details

Specialized One-on-One Programs:

  • Private Lessons      •  Yoga Therapy     •  Health Coaching   • Chronic Pain Care
  • Mentoring for Yoga Teachers

Adaptive Yoga Pioneer and Founder: Karen O’Donnell Clarke 

Certified Yoga Teacher, E-RYT500

Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider (YACEP)

Certified Yoga Therapist, C-IAYT

Approved Professional Development (APD) Provider

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Newsletters are sent out about once a month.  Content includes upcoming classes and workshops, inspirational writings, and links to articles about yoga.